Recommend a friend and help York Against Cancer

We hope you agree, it’s a good thing to share positive experiences in life. When you recommend MAPIO Financial to a friend and they take out a mortgage or an insurance policy with us, we’ll give £50 to York Against Cancerand £50 John Lewis vouchers to you, too.

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Website Recommend a Friend

How this works

There are no restrictions on how many referrals you can make, but it’s your responsibility to ask permission from your friends before sending their details to us. MAPIO Financial reserves the right to amend, vary or cancel these terms and conditions or to withdraw this scheme at any time.

Scott Anscomb and Liz Murdie, co-founders of MAPIO Financial Ltd, present General Manager Julie Russell with a £500 cheque to kick-start their fundraising venture 

It pays to have protection

We’re proud to support York Against Cancer’s work, researching treatments and raising awareness about care and support in the York area.

1 in 2 of us may be affected by cancer at some point in our lives. It’s one of the reasons why we focus on helping families to arrange insurance policies that could help, if the worst happened.

York Against Cancer has raised over £15 million over the last 30 years, and we’ll be delighted to support them in this vital work.

You can read more about York Against Cancer’s work on their website. Click here to read the press release.

York Against Cancer logo